As part of their work under the “EU Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability” (CSS), two European Agencies engaged in PARC, the European Environment Agency (EEA) and the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) have jointly developed and applied a new “EU indicator framework for chemicals“. In their joint press statement, the agencies note that in their opinion

“… the overall use of the most harmful chemicals (in particular those that are carcinogenic, mutagenic and reprotoxic) is still growing but more slowly than the overall chemicals market growth. Pressure is increasing to avoid the use of so-called substances of concern and to implement the principles of the safe and sustainable by design framework. There is a need to more effectively ensure that consumer products do not contain the most harmful substances, for example chemicals that are endocrine disrupting, that negatively affect the hormone system, or substances that are persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic, which present a risk for years to come even after their use has ceased. More data and information are needed to better understand human and environmental exposure to those most harmful chemicals and their impacts. Still, the indicators show clearly that the shift to safe and sustainable chemicals must continue and should even be accelerated.”

In addition, the agencies have created an online dashboard which can be used to navigate through, and obtain information on, the indicator framework.